FutureSafe Aotearoa

Partnering for Value

Partnering for Value was an ACC funded project that brought together key system partners within Aotearoa’s health, safety and wellbeing ecosystem.

These system partners embarked on a series of Wānanga’s that sought to open and establish relationships, build collaboration and design strategies for improved coordination and alignment.

About Partnering for Value

FutureSafe Aotearoa united a diverse group of leading sector groups, organisations, individuals, and subject matter experts in the health, safety, and wellbeing industry. Our aim was to convene, collaborate, and establish a roadmap for enhancing coordination and alignment across sectors. FutureSafe Aotearoa recognised a substantial opportunity to achieve improved outcomes across the board through more alignment of goals and work being done.

Project Process

Over the course of five months, project participants were onboarded and engaged in four Wānanga sessions. These sessions were highly successful, crafting relationships, identifying existing barriers, envisioning future possibilities, exploring collaboration opportunities, creating a suitable collective impact model, and designing a roadmap.

Over the course of this project, eleven primary themes were found which reaffirmed themes found in the first Project FutureSafe Aotearoa project. A further 22 themes were identified and noted as ‘future work’.

Project Learnings

An ecological perspective on the ecosystem, as opposed to an engineered one, resonated with the groups as a nurturing framework for individual and collective system components. In the context of government deregulation and the strategic refocusing of WorkSafe, an overarching governance group responsible for the entire system was missing, which limited the potential for strategic influence to improve how the ecosystem functioned. However, a collaboration among health, safety, and wellbeing sector groups, as well as other closely aligned organisations, was helping to fill this gap. This coalition harnessed collective efforts to boost performance, reduce redundancy, and served as a catalyst for change. While self-mandated and able to assert a systemic role, the group’s mandate also received recognition and support from others in the ecosystem.

A focus on clarity and efficiency remained central to this collaboration, potentially through a light-handed PMO that channeled work and coordinated a "coalition of the willing." Collectively, these groups exerted influence and stewardship throughout the system and across the ecosystem framework outlined in the Project FutureSafe Aotearoa draft report. Despite widespread interest in shared assets and aspirations, limited awareness existed regarding ongoing work and collaboration opportunities. Participants showed significant enthusiasm in discussing potential collaborations during their sessions. However, while there was considerable capability to act, insufficient resources were allocated to enhance coordination and foster collaborative actions.

A small backbone entity facilitated this effort, but there was little appetite for an additional agency structure to overlay existing groups, which already represented various constituents. To ensure equity and value in Kaupapa Māori and mātauranga Māori, an arrangement like He Awa Whiria was adopted from the outset. Sustained collaboration required a refreshed approach to funding arrangements, viewing funders as investors and supporting systemic investment. Current funding models did not consistently back collaborative efforts or recognise their return on investment from that perspective.

Download Partnering for Value Project Report

FutureSafe Aotearoa would like to thank all Partnering For Value project participants and their commitment to enhancing health, safety and wellbeing outcomes within Aotearoa.

Iain Potter, ACC
Virginia Burton-Konia, ACC
Diego Rodriguez, ACC
Jason Kurei, ACC Maori Advisor
Stephanie Brown, ACC
Paula Herring, ACC
Paul Jarvie, EMA
Jane Finlayson, EMA
Christine Johnson, ex BusinessNZ
Lance Goodall, GHSL
Debbie Bridge, GHSL
Braden Lister, GHSL
Chris Alderson, CHASNZ
Jon Harper-Slade, CHASNZ
Mark Green, Stay Live
John Skudder, Stay Live
Moira Loach, TRMA
Jodhi Warwick-Ponga, TRMA

Glenn Barclay, GB Consulting (EX PSA)
Mike Cosman, EX Independent Task Force
Vance Walker, NZISM & Maori Advisor
Tomas Haerewa, Guest
Gerry Lynch, ShopCare
Greg Lazarro, ShopCare
Selena Armstrong, ShopCare
Stephen Esposito, Safer Farms
Lindy Nelson, Safer Farms
Kristie Hewlett, Maritime
Esther Livingstone, Maritime
Matt Thorn, HortNZ
Joe Akari, FISC
Soney Ehlers, Victoria University
Joanne Crawford, Victoria University
Brett Aldridge, Waka Kotahi
Julie Rea, NIWA
Bryan Sherritt, MOT
Bronwyn Presland, HASANZ

Mike O’Brien, Navona
Neil Shaw, Beginners Mind
Martin Grant, Adaptaion
Dannielle Hemelryk, Navona
Paula Collins, WorkSafe
Kristi Palmer, WorkSafe
Pelin Fantham, WorkSafe
Wendi Croft, GM Safety Forum
Chris Jones, GM Safety Forum
Max Riley, GM Safety Forum
Gerard Vaughan, FarmStrong
Pat Kirk, Port Industry Associaton
Joe Hall, CAA
Robyn Bennett, NZISM
Jeff Sissons, PSA
Hayley Head, EEA
Phil Parkes, WorkSafe
Francois Barton, BLHSF
Toby Beaglehole, BLHSF/Task Force